About Us

"Empowering Your Business with Informed Decisions"

Our Mission

Our mission at Suntel Analytics is to provide our clients with accurate, timely, and actionable intelligence to help them make informed decisions and mitigate risks. We believe that by understanding data, organizations can enhance their security posture and achieve their goals.

Our Vision

At Suntel Analytics, our vision is to be a trusted partner for our clients, delivering custom solutions that are tailored to their specific needs. We use the latest tools and techniques to provide accurate, timely, and actionable intelligence. Our goal is to be recognized as a leader in the industry for our expertise, commitment to quality, and dedication to our clients' success.

About Us

Welcome to Suntel Analytics, where we seamlessly blend risk intelligence and cybersecurity, offering an unmatched solution in today's digital age. With the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity challenges, we understand the essential role it plays in anchoring successful businesses.

Our mission at Suntel Analytics revolves around providing top-tier cybersecurity solutions. Our extensive global network, enriched with over 50,000 experts from 120 countries, is fortified further by our avant-garde cybersecurity team. By weaving these elements together, we ensure your enterprise is equipped to ward off ever-evolving cyber threats.

In the heart of our operations, risk intelligence takes center stage. We marry cutting-edge technology with the profound knowledge of our human analysts, crafting a synergy that churns out unparalleled actionable insights. This fusion enables us to provide a roadmap to understanding and preemptively countering risks, giving your business a decisive edge.

With real-time threat monitoring and in-depth risk assessments, our cybersecurity team ensures that your business stays protected from potential vulnerabilities. Our global network of professionals acts as an impenetrable shield, fortifying our risk intelligence services and providing you with a panoramic view of potential threats and opportunities worldwide.

Empowering organizations to steer with confidence amidst uncertainties and carve out a path to sustained success is our forte. This commitment is underscored by our relentless pursuit of cybersecurity excellence, ensuring your business remains impervious to the diverse challenges that the digital era poses. As a risk advisory firm, we empower organizations to make informed decisions, navigate uncertainty with confidence, and achieve long-term success. Our dedication to cybersecurity excellence underscores our commitment to safeguarding your enterprise from the multifaceted challenges of the modern digital age.

Choose Suntel Analytics as your trusted partner in risk intelligence, and embark on a journey of fortified resilience, empowered by the finest minds in AI, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Together, we will navigate the complexities of risk, turning challenges into opportunities for your organization's growth and prosperity.

Including data analytics

Our team of highly trained and experienced analysts provides custom data analysis deeply embedded in risk intelligence tailored to our clients' unique needs. We understand that timely and accurate intelligence is crucial for making informed business decisions, and we are committed to delivering actionable intelligence that enables our clients to mitigate risks effectively.

Intelligence assessments

Our intelligence assessments provide clients with valuable insights into the political, economic, social, and technological landscape of a particular country or region. By analyzing data and using a variety of tools and techniques, we help our clients understand potential threats and opportunities that may impact their operations. Our assessments cover a range of topics, including crime assessments, event intelligence, geopolitical risk, travel risk, and predictive intelligence.

Program development

We offer risk intelligence program development services that help our clients improve their security posture by developing comprehensive risk management programs tailored to their unique needs. Our team works closely with clients to identify potential risks, develop risk mitigation strategies, and implement risk management programs that meet their objectives.

Threat monitoring

Our threat monitoring services provide clients with real-time, actionable intelligence on potential risks that may impact their operations. Our analysts monitor a range of sources, including social media, news outlets, and other online platforms, to identify potential threats such as geopolitical risks, civil unrest, and natural disasters.

Risk intelligence training

We also provide risk intelligence training to help our clients better understand the security landscape and improve their risk management practices. Our training programs are designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to identify, assess, and mitigate risks. We offer both online and in-person training programs tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Due Diligence Investigations

Due diligence investigations are an essential aspect of any organization's risk management program. It involves a comprehensive review of a person or organization to ensure that they meet legal, financial, and operational requirements. Suntel Analytics provides due diligence investigations to organizations to mitigate risks that could lead to financial, legal, or reputational damage.

cyber security solutions

we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled cybersecurity services, harnessing the unmatched power of AI, data analytics, and a global network of over 50,000 experts across 120 countries. Our exceptional cybersecurity team is dedicated to fortifying your digital defenses and protecting your organization from the ever-evolving cyber threats of the modern era. Through real-time threat monitoring, in-depth risk assessments, and proactive risk mitigation strategies, we empower your business to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with confidence and resilience. With our unwavering commitment to cybersecurity excellence, we provide comprehensive solutions to safeguard your enterprise and ensure a secure future in the face of relentless cyber adversaries.

At Suntel Analytics, we are committed to providing our clients with high-quality services that are tailored to their unique needs. Our team of experts works closely with clients to ensure that they receive the intelligence and support they need to mitigate risks effectively. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization enhance its security posture and mitigate risks.